Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Revelation.. a long overdue blog about my religious awakening over the past few months

Firstly, I have decided to do something with each blog.  I am somewhat of an artist and I like to show off my work.  So i have decided that I am going to feature a different piece of work with each blog post because I love to hear people's reactions to my work.  I love feedback, so please leave some about both the blog and the art.

This piece is one that I have recently done.  it is a Horned-God Pent.  i eventually want this as a tattoo on my chest.  It was inspired by a recent connection that I have been developing with the god Cernunnos and one of my spirit animals, the stag.  I find this to be one of my favorites pieces and I think it is fitting for the first piece that I share.

          I am a witch.  It is quite an awakening experience to say that.  I have called myself a Wiccan for several years now, and I have recently found myself not agreeing with all things wiccan.  I cant really say exactly when i had the revelation.  It was not one singular moment really.  It happened over a period of time.  But the overall result has been that I am not a wiccan.  I am a witch.  I am an ecclectic witch and I want to howl it to the moon as loud as my lungs will allow.  This revelation alone has brought me closer to my deities and made me infinitely more spiritual and made my magic feel much more real and amazing as ever.  I cant even describe in words how amazing it feels.

         It is an amazing feeling to find myself in a place that feels so right.  Wicca found me, but i think that i called myself a wicca for lack of a better term.  I discovered that I am not truly a wiccan.   Modern wicca has moved quite a distance from its original intentions and I don't believe that i would have even fit in with wicca in its original intentions.  Wicca has become a religion of tradition, and i am not in any tradition nor have I found a trad that fits my system of beliefs and that I truly want to follow.  I have found some that I could settle and live with, but this is my religion and I have to settle for so many other things.  I refuse to settle for religion just to fit in with people that I don't agree with.  Wicca is also fast becoming a goddess cult, which does not sit well with me.  After reading about several traditions (including those crazy Dianic Wiccans) i find that there is too much goddess and not enough god for me.  It is my belief, that things should be about the duality of this universe.  The God should be noticed and worshiped equally as much as the Goddess, and that is not so in far too many wiccan and even pagan traditions.  That does not sit well with Iolair Stormwing.  I have my patron, Cernunnos and I worship him just as much as I worship the goddess who i have yet to put a name to in my life.  Im not saying that there is anything wrong with wicca, im just saying it is not for me.  and after having that revelation, it is one of the most amazing feelings that i have ever experienced in my life.

I am a witch.  A cauldron-stirring, herb-growing, grimoire-writing, fire-dancing, God and Goddess-loving WITCH!!!  And I howl it at the moon with all the pride that I can muster


  1. I'm definitely in agreement with you.

    It just doesn't work without Him, and I can't imagine the Goddess they claim to love so much appreciates their attempts to taim Him, emasculate Him, or erase Him all together.

    I love the drawing, BTW.

    ~ Veles

  2. Thank you. I worked hard on that one.

    No, magick just isnt the same without both influences. Some wiccan trads are even becoming as bad as christianity except they worship the goddess instead of a lone god. It saddens me and repulses me.
